The Purge Comes in Many Forms

With Kambo, every purge is a path to a new beginning.

During a Kambo ceremony, purging is a natural part of the process as a response to some of the peptides found in the Kambo secretion.

It's a way of releasing toxins, negative energies, and emotional blockages in cohesive, lock-and-key like communication teamwork between the body and the peptides.

As we release, we're reborn – each session a step towards a luminous dawn in our journey - feelings of lightness, inspiration, clarity, and weights lifted off shoulders often follow in the days/weeks after a session.

Each person’s experience with Kambo is unique, and the way you purge can vary greatly. It's important to approach the experience with an open mind and a willingness to let the body and emotions release in the way you need to for healing and transformation.

AND - don’t get attached to the purge! If you hear a practitioner say “the goal of kambo is purge” - run the other way! They will likely continue layering and layering medicine trying to get you somewhere, which is not the way.

There are methods, theories, formulas, and effective ways to layer medicine with the right intention while attuning to someone’s process, knowing when those right moments are, and communicating with them about where they are in their process to receive more medicine.

(This comes with experience and training - please don’t sit with amateurs 😬)

🍃 Are you ready to release all that no longer serves you?

Connect with me @guidedbyanura to learn more about how Kambo can support you on this path 🐸✨

#kambo #kambohealing #kambomedicine #frogmedicine #kamboceremony


The Science Behind Kambo


Is Kambo psychedelic?